a dedicated ethnicity Diversity committee and plan
In early 2021, following a suggestion from within our team, we set up a dedicated Ethnicity Diversity group as part of our broader drive within the ED&I space. To date, we have been focused on:
Creating a starting point to discuss the subjects of ethnicity diversity and racism, and inviting views and input from across the business on what we can do.
Making a commitment to tackle racism wherever we find it, not just trying to be compliant.
Engaging more with our clients on how they are trying to achieve greater ethnic diversity in their recruitment activities.
Delivering an introductory presentation to all employees on our aims and ambitions.
Delivering a specific training session on Unconscious Bias (covering different types of bias such as affinity, anchoring, attribution error, confirmation, group think, halo & horns, in-group and stereotype).
Gathering initial high level estimates and statistics on both our internal and external recruitment.
Attending more diversity events to increase our understanding and knowledge levels.
Committing to sharing our reporting and data with our diversity partners such as the Tech Talent Charter.
Establishing the concept of a "safe space", where people can raise potential issues.